Shipping Policy

Delivery across UAE

Danachris is willing to within the United Arab Emirates (UAE) within 1 to 2 working days of the order.

Shipping Abroad

The customer agrees not to reject any shipment for whatever reason. The rejected shipments are subject to additional delivery fees prior to sending the exchanged items. In case of manufacturing defect or fault from us, our return policy will apply.

Governing Law/Jurisdiction

The content of the policy herein is subject to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) laws, Emirate of Dubai, regardless of choice or conflicting principles of law. The customer shall thus agree to turn to the UAE Jurisdiction in case of any conflict, claim or dispute with regard to agreements and whatever emanating therefrom.

Contact Us

In case of queries not addressed hereinabove, please contact us through the following means.

  • Mob: +971565511320
  • Email: