Klüber Nosol GBY 2 Special synthetic lubricating grease 1kg can

0.00 AED

NOSOL GBY 2 can be applied with a spatula, brush or other common application devices.

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Application instructions

  • NOSOL GBY 2 can be applied with a spatula, brush or other common application devices.
  • The friction and lubrication points should be as bright as possible, i.e. free of oils, grease, hand sweat and dirt particles.
Product data
 NLGI grade, DIN 51818 1
 Chemical composition, type of oil mineral oil
 Chemical composition, type of oil synthetic hydrocarbon oil
 Chemical composition, thickener special lithium soap
 Chemical composition UV additive
 Lower service temperature -40 °C / -40 °F
 Upper service temperature 150 °C / 266 °F
 Color space beige
 Density at 20 °C approx. 0.88 g/cm³
 Kinematic viscosity of the base oil, DIN 51562 pt. 01/ASTM D-445/ASTM D 7042, 40 °C approx. 500 mm²/s
 Kinematic viscosity of the base oil, DIN 51562 pt. 01/ASTM D-445/ASTM D 7042, 100 °C approx. 40 mm²/s
 Shear viscosity at 25 °C, shear rate 300 s-1, equipment: rotational viscometer, lower limit value 3 000 mPas
 Shear viscosity at 25°C, shear rate 300 s-1, equipment: rotational viscometer, upper limit value 5 000 mPas
 Corrosion inhibiting properties of lubricating greases, DIN51802, (SKF-EMCOR), test duration:
 1 week, distilled water
 <= 1 corrosion degree
 Oil separation, ASTM D 6184 [FTMS 791 C 321], after 30h/100 °C <= 4 % by weight
 Drop point, DIN ISO 2176 >= 250 °C
 Oxidation stability of lubricating greases, ASTM D942, 100 h/99 °C, pressure drop <= 0.3 bar
 Water resistance, DIN 51807 pt. 01, 3 h/90 °C, rating <= 1 – 90
 Minimum shelf life from the date of manufacture – in a dry, frostfree place and in the unopened
 original container, approx.
 36 months


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